Public policy during a crisis
In this blog I share 3 lessons from my experience dealing with a crisis, Ecuador´s 2016 earthquake. I also prepared a cheat sheet with additional information and examples that complement this blog.
In this blog I share 3 lessons from my experience dealing with a crisis, Ecuador´s 2016 earthquake. I also prepared a cheat sheet with additional information and examples that complement this blog.
The Better Govs Project is an initiative to show the face of those behind government and to grow a community of professionals in the public sector committed to make people’s lives better. Nominate someone whose story needs to be heard.
In this article I talk about how and why I fell in love with the public sector. Some moments that have marked me and how you have inspired me.
Paraphrasing Einstein, policy implementation should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. In this blog I summarize 5 actionable tips for effective policy implementation you can start using today.
I’ve written two blogs that summarize my takeaways, as well as some of my own thoughts and ideas, from Matt Andrews’ blog series about Public Leadership Through Crisis. Matt is a Harvard Lecturer and Director of the Building State Capability Program. This second blog is about the organization’s capability to deal with a crisis.
A few months ago, Matt Andrews, Harvard Lecturer and Director of the Building State Capability Program, started a blog series about Public Leadership Through Crisis. I went through all the blogs and found it really valuable, full of resources and questions for reflection. It made me think about my time in government and the responsibility and potential that being a public servant implies. I’ve written two blogs that summarize my takeaways, as well as some of my own thoughts and ideas. This blog, the first, is about the leaders in charge of a crisis.
In our guest blog Graham Teskey argues that COVID-19 might be changing the focus and urgency of the governance discourse, more in the last six months than anything else has done over the last decade. COVID-19, he says, seems to have put Governance at the heart of debates on development, but how has it changed the questions we ask?