How to implement innovative solutions in government effectively

Innovating in government sounds appealing but also impossible for some organizations that resist change. How to find space to try something new? What can we learn from the private sector and what can entrepreneurs learn from the government? We discussed all these topics with Martín Burt, former mayor of Paraguay’s capital -Asunción-, and world-renowned social entrepreneur. This blog gives you a summary of our conversation. You can also listen to it fully here.

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How to build Metrics for the US National Gender Strategy

The release of the first-ever National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality in the United States is an unprecedented step in seeking to close gender gaps. The challenge is to ensure that the aspirational vision presented in the strategy is translated into concrete action. These are some suggestions for how appropriate metrics can be developed at the agency level and applied across agencies to track the US government’s progress in implementing the new gender strategy.

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